Mike Cooper Gods of Bali. Il #GigioCostanzoShow e #PostModernissimo presentano un evento assolutamente da non perdere: giovedì 22 giugno al PostMod il grande MIKE COOPER sonorizzerà dal vivo il film muto GODS OF BALI.
Chi è MIKE COOPER? E’ musicista inglese, compositore, cantante, autore, improvvisatore, chitarrista slide, “collagiste” del suono, artista radiofonico, architetto del suono e performer per film muti. Ha inciso numerosi dischi e colleziona camicie hawaiane.
Cos’è GODS OF BALI? Un documentario di Nikola Drakulic del 1952. Racconta le cerimonie, le danze, le credenze e i costumi balinesi. Cerimonie che ringraziano gli Dei per la fertilità della terra e per l’abbondanza di acqua in questa zona verde sul Mare di Java. L’educazione nel Tempio dei Danzatori, scelti tra i bambini di 5 e 8 anni, i maschi frenetici che implorano gli dei contro le malattie, che tentano di pugnalarsi durante la trance…
Inizio dell’evento alle 21.30. Ingresso unico 8€.
“Gods of Bali”, documentary on the ceremonies, religion, dances and folkways of the Balinese. The Dutch film crew that photographed the people and the terrain concentrated on villages, dances, music and beliefs of this unaffected folk to illustrate that they occupy a lush land and one that is both primitive and cultured. Ceremonies such as prayers of thanks to ancient deities providing the rich soil and water of this green spot in the Java Sea are pictured where seemingly every occurrence rates a festival. The training of Temple Dancers, chosen from youngsters 5 to 8 years of age, the frenzied males seeking to implore the gods against illness, who try to stab themselves with native krises during trances…
Mike Cooper for the past 40 years has been an international musical explorer, performing and recording, solo and in a number of inspired groupings and a variety of genres. Initially a folk-blues guitarist and singer songwriter his work has diversified to include improvised and electronic music, live music for silent films, radio art and sound installations. He is also a music journalist, writing features for magazines, particularly on Pacific music and musicians, a visual artist, film and video maker, collector of Hawaiian shirts and appears on more than 60 records to date